
As the saying goes, “a car is only as good as its tires.” While that statement is not entirely true, it does hold some merit. Tires are the only part of your vehicle that touches the road. They form an essential role in how your car handles and performs daily. With all of this riding on the tire’s shoulders, you will need to know when to head to the reputed Tire Max Total Car Care tire shop in Eden for a new set.

But how do you know if your tires need to be replaced? Well, there are some telltale signs that you should be aware of. By knowing these warnings, you can avoid getting stranded on the road or having to pay big bucks at your local tire shop. 

Here are some signs your car needs a new tire

Tread Wear

The depth of the grooves on your tire will tell you a lot about its health. If there is excessive wear or uneven wearing out of the tread, it’s time to replace your tire. Most tires have marks every few millimeters, indicating how much life remains in those rubber nuggets. When these lines start looking closer together, your car tells you to get a new set. 

The most important reason to worry about tread wear is your safety. The signs of uneven tread wear will tell you that your tires cannot grip the road properly. This can be especially dangerous during wet weather or in times when you need to brake quickly. With good tread, you are better prepared to handle these conditions.

Also, having tread around 2/32 is considered illegal in many states like North Carolina. So you might not pass an inspection if your tires are bad.

And finally, the worn tread can make other parts of your tires wear out, like belts, ball bearings, and even the tire’s sidewall. That’s because worn treads can make it easier to slide or drift during turns; this makes certain parts more susceptible to damage.

You can do a visual test by looking at the tire’s tread wear. If there is no grooving around the tire, then it may be time to get that set replaced at the trusted tire store in Eden.

Tire Cracks

The elements are the primary reason why tires crack. Constant exposure to sunlight, heat, and water can cause the rubber to break down and develop cracks.

Normal aging is more likely to produce hairline cracks called ozone cracks that appear on the tire surface and are generally harmless. These lines will run parallel to the tire’s direction of travel. A good rule is to replace your tires when the cracks become deeper than 1/32 inch. However, these lines can be harmful if they grow inward, which means your tire retains too much pressure. This will cause the belt and wheel area to bulge out and break, risk your wheel falling off or blowing up.

You can prevent such cracking by keeping your tires inflated to the proper pressure as over, and under-inflated tires are more likely to crack due to excessive heat build-up. Also, driving your car regularly can help maintain rubber’s elasticity.

Bubble in the Sidewall

If you’re a car enthusiast, you know that a tire is not built to last forever despite having anti-aging chemicals. Tires have a recommended life span, and when they pass their expiration date, you should get them replaced before it’s too late. One of the telltale signs your tires are about to expire is bubbles in the sidewalls. These bubbles are the first signs of aging as they show that air is escaping from within your tires before you even start feeling it with a pump or gauge.

What causes these bubbles to appear? Without going too much into those chemistry lessons, those bubbles are caused by oxidation, which means those rubber molecules break apart and seep out air. This is caused by ozone and ultraviolet rays from the sun, heat, water, and chemical build-up, making rubber lose its elasticity over time. Besides the obvious safety concern, tires with bubbles or cracks mean that you also need new tires.

Replacing your tires at a trusted tire shop before they reach their expiry date will help your car maintain its handling and braking ability and increase your safety on the road.

Tire Age

How old is that set of wheels on your car? Of course, we’re not talking about the age of your vehicle, but how long has it been since you bought that particular tire. For safety reasons, you should always pay attention to the tire date code you can find on the sidewalls. As tires age, the treads can separate from the tire’s body, reducing traction and handling. And if that happens at high speeds, you might not be able to control your car.

So it is best to replace your tires when they have been on the road for six years.


Your tires may look great with a good grip, but ensure you have tires best suited to your region and season. For example, you want to get winter tires to keep you safe on snow and ice in winter, while summer tires work best when the roads are dry and hot. Having two sets of tires will cost a bit more, but it will save you from dangerous situations sure to happen with the wrong tire selection.

Tire Brand

You might be wondering why you should even change your favorite brand of tires. Not all brands are created equal; some use better rubber compounds during their manufacturing process. This can mean a longer tire life and, in some cases, better performance.


Tires might not be the most exciting things around, but they play a vital role in keeping you and your family safe on the road. So take good care of them and get them replaced when they no longer meet your safety standards.

Tire Max Total Car Care is your local tire expert who offers your vehicle the best tires for sale. We also offer free tire inspections and consultations to help you with tire maintenance. Our experienced team will ensure that you get the best value for your money on quality tires made by reputable brands offering peace of mind regarding safety on the road.